Bowmore – 21 Years Master’s Selection

4 december, 2021

Petra Milde från har skrivit ett reportage på detta spännande samarbete. Bowmore destilleri och Aston Martin har valt att slå sig samman och skapat denna fina flaska.

”The ’golden ratio’ is the basis of the whisky, which is presented in collaboration between Bowmore and Aston Martin. With the Bowmore Masters‘ Selection 21 Years Bowmore presents another whisky that was created in cooperation between the Islay distillery and Aston Martin. It will be released in November.

At the end of 2019, the two companies announced their cooperation. The first joint project was a Black Bowmore DB5 1964 (we reported in August 2020), which was followed around a year later by three single malts for the global travel retail. Now, with the Bowmore Masters‘ Selection 21 Years, a limited single malt will be launched, in the creation of which Bowmore Master WhiskyBlender Ron Welsh and Aston Martin Executive Vice President and Chief Creative Officer Marek Reichman dedicated themselves to the ’golden ratio’…”

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