Farkin Distillery, the 11th distillery on Islay?
20 december, 2021Islay Blog skriver om Islays 11:e planerade destilleri – Farkin Distillery. Bloggen diskuterar om ytterligare ett destilleri är nödvändigt eller om det skulle vara ännu en framgångsrik tillgång.
”The rumours of a new distillery near Port Ellen, the 11th Islay Distillery, go back quite a few years. It was referred to as ”Farkin Distillery”, named after the local farm. I first wrote about Farkin Distillery in November 2015. We’re now 6 years on and recently Argyll and Bute council have approved a new distillery on this location, to be built by the co-founders of Elixir Distillers, the brothers Sukhinder and Rajbir Singh. The official name is not yet known, the owners will name it soon…”
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